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The Power of Assets

and Employeer



Find out how our pillars help your company.

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Big Data Trends

Big Data Trends

While targeted monitoring can feel invasive and overbearing, big data trends can reveal important metrics about workflow best practices, office norms and potential bottlenecks.

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Remote workers face a daunting cybersecurity landscape

that threatens personal and company data.

Gradient Bullet Point Infographic

Engagement And


Zoom fatigue is real, and it’s not the solution to empowering employees to thrive.

Gradient Bullet Point Infographic


There is a growing body of evidence that quantitative targets don’t motivate employees, which only exacerbates burnout, turnover and other negative implications.

Our Partners:

Transform data in results with the xOne Cloud!

Provides Strategic statistics that reveal valuable insights into efficiency of your company.

Get access to smart data that reveal strengths and opportunities for improvement in

your business processes. Identify areas of emphasis and growth opportunities to broadcast your performance.

UpNow Is a cutting-edge software platform designed specifically for hotels, from boutique establishments to large chains, seeking to streamline their space management and booking processes. With UpNow, you can seamlessly coordinate rooms, conference halls, event spaces, and more, all in one user-friendly interface.

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